the AGM in February 2017 we announced the setting up of the
above project.
This is the Kent response to legislation which, broadly, set
out that unless a path recorded or is in the process of being
put on the definitive map by 2026 it will be lost.
We have all walked on a path which seems to go nowhere,
doesn’t connect to where we think it should; it’s on the ground
but not on the map - these are potentially Lost Ways if we don’t
get them recorded.
the project will be managed through the Project Coordinator and
make good use of IT, its success entirely depends on VOLUNTEERS
doing the field and research work; in effect we would like you
to become Ramblers Detectives.
There are a variety of volunteer roles from which to choose
and you can choose any combination at any time.
- Lost ways Records Research Volunteer; searching old records in
support of a claim, much of this can be done on line.
LWF - Lost Ways Field Research Volunteer; visit candidate
route locations, photographing what is on the ground and
recording anecdotal evidence from local residents.
LWV - Lost Ways Route Volunteer; this combines the above
roles so that you do all the work for that candidate route.
you would like to get in touch learn more, to register your
interest or report a route you think should be included then Contact
Colin Sefton:
It will only work if you VOLUNTEER.